What our customers say about Team Password Manager

Requirements for installing Team Password Manager (for versions prior to v.7)

Current Team Password Manager version: 14.168.293
Note: these are the requirements for Team Password Manager for versions prior to v.7.

Requirements for newest versions.

Team Password Manager is a web application that is installed on a web/application server and is executed from a browser. These are the exact requirements:


  • Environment: for security reasons we advise the execution of Team Password Manager on at least a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a dedicated server. Do not use a shared server. Also, use https (encrypted connection from the browser to the server).
  • Operating system: any operating system that can execute the next components. We have tested Team Password Manager on a number of Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Windows systems and OSX (x86). We've seen problems installing Team Password Manager on PHP x64 for Windows. From http://windows.php.net: "The x64 builds of PHP for Windows should be considered experimental, and do not yet provide 64-bit integer or large file support". So if using Windows please use PHP / Apache 32 bit.
  • Web server: Apache 2 with mod_php.
  • Database: MySQL 5.x. Better MySQL 5.6+ for maximum performance. Note: if using MySQL 5.7, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode cannot be used.
  • PHP 5.3.3 or newer (PHP 7 not supported for versions prior to v7) with the following PHP extensions or modules:
  • A note regarding PHP 5.3.x: if you use PHP 5.3.x, turn off all the deprecated INI directives (define_syslog_variables, register_globals, register_long_arrays, safe_mode, magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime, magic_quotes_sybase). See http://www.php.net/manual/en/migration53.deprecated.php.
  • A note on PHP 5.6+: if you're using PHP 5.6+ make sure the following is set in php.ini: always_populate_raw_post_data = -1.
  • The ionCube PHP Loader extension. We provide instructions to install this extension if it’s not already installed.
  • A note for FreeBSD: the installation of PHP for FreeBSD considers the following PHP extensions as optional and doesn't install them by default. You should: filter, session, hash and json.

Client (browser)

Use recent versions of the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Internet Explorer (9 and higher with compatibility view turned off).
  • Google Chrome.
  • Apple Safari.
  • Opera.

Cookies must be activated.
Javascript needs to be enabled (V6 and up).

Document changelog

Aug 10, 2022: Links to other requirements documents.
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