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How to upgrade Team Password Manager to the latest version

Current Team Password Manager version: 13.166.291

To upgrade your installation of Team Password Manager to the latest version follow the next steps.

IMPORTANT: the latest versions of Team Password Manager (v. 12.147.270+):

  • Supported versions of PHP are 8.0 to 8.2.
  • Use the SourceGuardian Loader 14+.

Check also if your server meets all the requirements for the new version you're installing.

Note if you're using LDAP: before doing anything check that you have a user with Admin/IT role that doesn't authenticate using LDAP (and check that you can sign in). If, for any reason, LDAP doesn't work with the new version, you'll be able to upgrade with this Admin/IT user.

Note if you're using SAML: SAML users cannot be used to upgrade Team Password Manager, so before doing anything check that you have a user with Admin/IT role that doesn't authenticate using SAML (and check that you can sign in).

As a safety measure, make a complete backup of your current installation of Team Password Manager before executing these steps. Be sure to backup the files and also the database tables. Read How to make a backup of Team Password Manager for more information.

Also check these notes at the end before starting the upgrade.

Steps to upgrade

0. Install the SourceGuardian Loader:

Note: the SourceGuardian Loader is free.

Check with phpinfo if you already have the loader installed. If the SourceGuardian loader is installed you should be able to see the SourceGuardian section in phpinfo, like this one:

SourceGuardian Loader section

If the SourceGuardian Loader is not installed, install it: go to the SourceGuardian Loader Assistant page and follow the instructions.

After installing the loader, restart your webserver or FPM.

1. Download the latest version of Team Password Manager from https://teampasswordmanager.com/download/

2. Decompress the downloaded file on your computer. You'll get a bunch of files and folders. The important ones are the css, system and wmm folders, and the index.php file.

3. Replace the css, system and wmm folders and the index.php file from your installation of Team Password Manager with the new ones. Make sure you replace them entirely. If required, delete the old ones and upload the new ones.


  • Be careful not to overwrite the config.php and folder.php files and the uploads folder.
  • Language files are located in the wmm/language folder. The Team Password Manager zip file includes only the English (en) files, so copy the ones you need in this folder. You can get all the available language packs in the language packs page. If you've created custom language files, be sure to back them up before replacing the wmm folder.

4. If you don't have a folder called import, copy it from the decompressed files and make it writable by the web server (give it 755 permissions). If this folder already exists, make sure it is writable by the web server.

5. If you don't have a folder called uploads, copy it from the decompressed files and make it writable by the web server (give it 755 permissions). If this folder already exists, make sure it is writable.

6. This is not required for v. 12.160.277 and up, it's only put here for lower versions. Enable Maintenance Mode by using this parameter in config.php: define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', TRUE);

7. Execute the upgrade procedure by pointing your browser to web_location_of_teampasswordmanager_files/index.php/upgrade (Example: http://teampasswordmanager.mydomain.com/index.php/upgrade) and follow the instructions. If you get a blank screen instead, it's possible that you need to update the Sourceguardian loader (or the Ioncube loader for Team Password Manager v. 10 or lower). Please check the logs in this case.

8. This is not required for v. 12.160.277 and up, it's only put here for lower versions. Disable Maintenance Mode by commenting out the define in step 6 or by setting the MAINTENANCE_MODE parameter to FALSE: define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', FALSE);

Important notes

  • We advise you to delete the following files from your Team Password Manager folder: install.txt, eula.txt and upgrade.txt.
  • If you're using Apache 2 with FPM/FastCGI:
    1. Set this parameter in config.php: define('TPM_URI_PROTOCOL', 'PATH_INFO');. More information on TPM_URI_PROTOCOL.
    2. Set cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 in php.ini (Restart Apache after doing changes in php.ini).
    3. If you want to use the API, put this directive in the virtualhosts file or .htaccess (in the root of TPM): SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0
  • If you're using Apache 2 with CGI/FastCGI:
    1. Set cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 in php.ini (Restart Apache after doing changes in php.ini).
    2. If you want to use the API, put this directive in the virtualhosts file or .htaccess (in the root of TPM): SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0
  • If you're using IIS:
    1. Set cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 in php.ini.
    2. Allow double escaping.
  • If you're using NGINX, use this in your configuration file:
    location / {
    	try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

Document changelog

Oct 24, 2023: Maintenance mode is not required for upgrades since v. 12.160.277
Oct 24, 2023: PHP 8.0 - 8.2, Sourceguardian Loader 14+
Aug 25, 2022: PHP 7.3 minimum if you're using LDAP Sync
Aug 10, 2022: Updated for v. 11+
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