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Troubleshooting Internal Server Error 500 when installing Team Password Manager

Current Team Password Manager version: 14.168.293

The 500 Internal Server Error is general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is. It is one of the most common errors our users find when installing Team Password Manager.

Since it is a general error there are many factors that can trigger it. In this document we list the most common ones that our support department has found.

If you get this error when excuting index.php/install, please check:

1. That you have the correct PHP version and all the required PHP extensions. Check the requirements page for the supported versions of PHP and the extensions that are needed.

2. That you have the required files and folders for installing and executing Team Password Manager. When decompressing the Team Password Manager zip file you should get the following files and folders. All of them (except the .txt files) are required:

css (folder)
import (folder)
system (folder)
wmm (folder)

3. That the files and folders have the appropriate permissions. All the files should be readable by the web server. In Linux, folders should also have the x permission (you can do chmod -R ugo+X * from the program root to set the x permissions where needed). A quick way to test if permissions are producing the Error 500 is to set all the files and folders to 777 permisions and try again.

4. That you have at least v. 14.0.3 of the Sourceguardian loader (or the Ioncube loader for Team Password Manager v. 10 or lower) installed. To check it create a PHP file on your server (ex: phpinfo.php) with the following command:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Open it with your browser and look for the Sourceguardian (or Ioncube) section. If you don't find it, it means that the Loader is not installed.

Important: after verifying this make sure you delete the phpinfo file. It is not needed for Team Password Manager to run and it's giving away information about your server.

5. That you don't have any .htaccess blocking access or with strange rewrites.

If after checking these steps you still get the Error 500 please contact our support department and we'll try to sort it out together.