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Firefox Extension for Team Password Manager

Firefox Extension for Team Password Manager

Hello everyone!

We're happy to announce that we've created an extension for Firefox for Team Password Manager.

We've had an extension for Google Chrome for some time and this summer we made sure it worked for Microsoft Edge. Now we've made it compatible with Mozilla Firefox too. All the three extensions have the same exact functionality as they share the same codebase. Because of this, the previously called "Chrome Extension" will from now on be called "Browser Extension". Also, like we've done with this release (v. 2.15.10 by the way), new versions of the browser extension will be released for all the three browsers at the same time.

Here you have our documents page for the browser extension (for Chrome, Edge and Firefox), with instructions, changelog, etc.:

Team Password Manager browser extensions

And here you have the page in the Firefox Add-ons gallery from where you can install it in Firefox:

