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How to make a backup of Team Password Manager

Current Team Password Manager version: 14.168.293

Backup of the data

All the data used by Team Password Manager are stored in its database. So, to make a backup of your installation of Team Password Manager you must make a backup of the MySQL database that it uses.

* Note for V1 users: Team Password Manager V1.x also used a file called key.php that contained the encryption key. You should also make a backup this file.

You can use a number of tools to make a backup of your Team Password Manager database. Here we show how you can do it with phpMyAdmin and with the command line:

  • Backup using phpMyAdmin: login into phpMyAdmin, choose your Team Password Manager database on the left sidebar and click on the "Export" tab. Choose custom, make sure all the tables are selected and choose "Save output to a file". Then click on "Go" at the end of the page.
  • Backup using the command line: use the following command to make a backup copy of your Team Password Manager database:
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword tpm_database > backup_file.sql
    where user=user that has access to the database, password=password and tpm_database=Team Password Manager database. You can use the same values used in the config.php file.

In both cases a .sql file is created with the contents of your Team Password Manager database. You should make backup of this file.

Restoring the database

To restore the previous .sql file, first create a MySQL database and then:

  • Restoring using phpMyAdmin: login into phpMyAdmin, choose the previously created database on the left sidebar and click on the "Import" tab. Choose the previously generated .sql file on "Browse your computer" and then click on "Go" at the end of the page.
  • Restoring using the command line: use the following command:
    mysql -uuser -ppassword tpm_database < sqlfile.sql

Backup of the files

The files that are different in every installation of Team Password Manager are:

  • config.php
  • folder.php
  • key.php for V1
  • import folder
  • uploads folder, beginning in version 2.9.18
  • Language files (v. 7+): you can get all our language files from the language packs page, but if you've created your own custom language files you have them in the wmm/language folder.

You should make backup copies of these files and folders.

All the other files can be obtained downloading Team Password Manager from https://teampasswordmanager.com/download/ (our website only shows the latest version of Team Password Manager. If you need an older version, just ask us).

If you're upgrading Team Password Manager, make a backup copy of all the files (as well as the database) before beginning the upgrade process. This way, if you need to revert to your current version it will be much quicker and easier.

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