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API: Groups

Current Team Password Manager version: 14.168.293

API v5

Sections: List groups | Show a group | Create a group | Update a group | Add a user to a group | Delete a user from a group | Delete a group

List groups

Returns all the groups in Team Password Manager:

GET /groups.json

The response from these request is paginated and /count.json and /page/num.json can be used. See the section on pagination for more information. Example: GET /groups/page/2.json

If successful, the response code is 200 OK with the results of the call in the response body.

*Note: users with "Normal user" and "Project Manager" roles can also execute this request. Users with "Read only" role can't.

Example response body:

    "id": 3,
    "name": "External users",
    "num_users": 1,
    "is_ldap": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "IT works",
    "num_users": 3,
    "is_ldap": true
    "id": 7,
    "name": "Read Only Users",
    "num_users": 1,
    "is_ldap": false
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Test group",
    "num_users": 0,
    "is_ldap": false
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Web work",
    "num_users": 5,
    "is_ldap": true

Show a group

This method returns all the data of a group, identified by its internal id.

GET /groups/ID.json

If successful, the response code is 200 OK with the results of the call in the response body.

*Note: users with "Normal user" and "Project Manager" roles can also execute this request. Users with "Read only" role can't.

Example response body:

  "id": 2,
  "name": "IT works",
  "is_ldap": true,
  "ldap_server_id": 8,
  "group_dn": "CN=IS Helpdesk,OU=Groups - Security,OU=Group Policy OU,DC=TPMAD,DC=local",
  "users": [
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john",
      "email_address": "john@teampasswordmanager.com",
      "name": "John Boss",
      "role": "Admin"
      "id": 7,
      "username": "janine@teampasswordmanager.com",
      "email_address": "janine@teampasswordmanager.com",
      "name": "Janine Black",
      "role": "Normal user"
      "id": 8,
      "username": "tom@teampasswordmanager.com",
      "email_address": "tom@teampasswordmanager.com",
      "name": "Tom Landy",
      "role": "Normal user"
  "created_on": "2014-06-05 16:35:12",
  "created_by": {
    "id": 1,
    "username": "john",
    "email_address": "john@teampasswordmanager.com",
    "name": "John Boss",
    "role": "Admin"
  "updated_on": "2014-07-23 23:53:51",
  "updated_by": {
    "id": 1,
    "username": "john",
    "email_address": "john@teampasswordmanager.com",
    "name": "John Boss",
    "role": "Admin"

Create a group

POST /groups.json

The request body must include the name for the group (which is the only field that can be set in a group):

  "name": "This is a new group"

If successful, the response code is 201 Created with the internal id of the group in the response body:

  "id": 15

Update a group

PUT /groups/ID.json

The request body must include the name for the group (which is the only field to be updated):

  "name": "This group is not new anymore"

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

Add a user to a group

PUT /groups/GROUP_ID/add_user/USER_ID.json

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

Delete a user from a group

PUT /groups/GROUP_ID/delete_user/USER_ID.json

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

Delete a group

DELETE /groups/ID.json

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

Document changelog

Nov 12, 2021: Document created
Questions or Problems? Please contact our support department