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API v4: Favorite passwords/projects

Current Team Password Manager version: 12.162.284

API v4

Sections: List favorite passwords/projects | Set a password/project as favorite | Set a password/project as not favorite

List favorite passwords/projects

These calls return the favorite passwords or projects of the user making the request.

GET /favorite_passwords.json = GET /passwords/favorite.json

GET /favorite_projects.json = GET /projects/favorite.json

The responses from these requests are paginated and /count.json and /page/num.json can be used. See the section on pagination for more information. Example: GET /favorite_passwords/page/2.json

If successful, the response code is 200 OK with the results of the call in the response body.

Example response body (favorite passwords):

    "id": 68,
    "name": "Wordpress admin",
    "project": {
      "id": 12,
      "name": "www.fictionalgadgetsite.com"
    "notes_snippet": "some notes\nother notes",
    "tags": "wordpress",
    "access_info": "http:\/\/www.fictionalgadgetsite.com\/wp-admin",
    "username": "admin_sg",
    "email": "",
    "archived": false,
    "favorite": true,
    "num_files": 1,
    "updated_on": "2014-07-23 18:18:28"
    "id": 175,
    "name": "Sample password",
    "project": {
      "id": 12,
      "name": "www.fictionalgadgetsite.com"
    "notes_snippet": "Some notes \nAnother line of the notes",
    "tags": "tag1,tag2",
    "access_info": "https:\/\/www.google.com",
    "username": "thisisausername",
    "email": "ferran@ferranbarba.com",
    "archived": true,
    "favorite": true,
    "num_files": 0,
    "updated_on": "2014-07-23 18:18:06"

Set a password/project as favorite for the user making the request

POST /favorite_passwords/ID.json

POST /favorite_projects/ID.json

The request body is empty.

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

Set a password/project as not favorite for the user making the request

DELETE /favorite_passwords/ID.json

DELETE /favorite_projects/ID.json

If successful, the response code is 204 No content and the response body is empty.

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