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API v2: Change log

Current Team Password Manager version: 14.168.293

Changes from API v1 to API v2

Basically, API v2 introduces support for expiry date and locking.

Specifically (this is also documented in the corresponding sections):

  • List passwords (and List passwords of a project): expiry_date (in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-dd), expiry_status (0=no date or not expired, 1=expires today, 2=expired, 3=will expire soon).
  • Show a password: expiry_date (in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-dd), expiry_status (0=no date or not expired, 1=expires today, 2=expired, 3=will expire soon).
  • Create a password, Update a password: expiry_date (in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-dd, or null or '').
  • Support for locked passwords:
    • In lists: locked property (TRUE/FALSE) and can only see name and project.
    • In show: locked property (TRUE/FALSE) and can see more data than name and project if "X-Unlock-Reason" header supplied.
    • To lists users the "X-Unlock-Reason" header must be supplied. If not => 403 (forbidden).
    • To update (data, custom fields, security, delete, lock state): need to supply "X-Unlock-Reason" header. If not => 403 (forbidden).
    • Set a password as locked or not.
    • "X-Unlock-Reason" is only valid for the call, not the session (because there is no session).

In previous versions (v1):

  • expiry_date and expiry_status are not returned.
  • expiry_date cannot be set when creating or updating a password.
  • Locked passwords only return basic data (name, project).
  • Locked passwords cannot be listed its users, updated or deleted. 403 forbidden is returned.
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