Hi everyone!
Today we're releasing a new version of Team Password Manager, 7.120.220, that doesn't have any new features but that we think is quite important.
We've been working on optimizing loading the branches of the projects tree on the left sidebar. Before this version, for small installations, the tree branches loaded quickly. But if you added lots of projects, passwords and users, loading branches could take some time, especially for non-Admin users.
Opening a tree branch (a project) in Team Password Manager consists of executing lots of steps. The ones that take most of the time are:
- Loading the subprojects.
- Detecting which subprojects have subprojects.
- Counting the number of passwords of each subproject and subtree.

We've been working on optimizing these three processes by introducing new indexes and optimizing database queries. Also, we've made counting the number of passwords optional. Having the number of passwords of a project and its subprojects in the tree is nice to have, but depending on the volume of the data, it can take quite a long time to count them.
We've always had this parameter in config.php that enables or disables this password counting on the project tree branches (doc):
It can take two values: TRUE
shows the number of passwords, FALSE
doesn't. Until this version, the default was TRUE
, and from now on the default will be FALSE
. So if you want to show the number of passwords in your projects tree, you'll need to add this parameter in config.php and set it to TRUE
like shown above.
It's also important to note that we've been working on optimizing this with MySQL, especially versions 5.7 and up. MySQL has many compatible databases like MariaDB or Percona (each with their versions), but we focus our efforts on MySQL. Team Password Manager works on the other binary compatible versions of MySQL, but MySQL 5.7+ provides better performance.
In this version we've also upgraded jQuery (a Javascript library we use) to the latest version, 3.5.1. The version we were using has vulnerability issues so it was mandatory to change it. Note that we're already using 3.5.1 in the browser extensions.
A couple of bug corrections have also made it to this release, please check the v. 7.120.220 change log to review all the changes in this version.
As always, we'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to this release by suggesting new features or reporting bugs.
Hoping that we soon get rid of this Covid tragedy, I'd like to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy 2021.