Today's release has many new features and changes but one stands above the others: Team Password Manager is now responsive!
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Team Password Manager is now responsive
We've been through all the screens in Team Password Manager and made them usable with smartphones with "small" screen resolutions. Here you have two screenshots taken with an IPhone 4:
List of passwords:

Password view:

The goal in making Team Password Manager responsive has been to make it comfortable to use in IPhones and similar smartphones (Android devices also). We plan to write a post about the changes we've made to make it possible.
Changes in users
We've made the following changes in user management:
Users now have a Username. Before this version, the user's email was used as a username, but a lot of our users asked for a username. Note that you can still use your email in the username field if you don't want to change anything. In fact, the upgrade process copies the email to the username field, which you can later change.
The LDAP import process also can import usernames. If you're upgrading, though, existing LDAP users won't be changed. So if you want to use a different username for them, you'll have to change them manually.
Finally, usernames as case insensitive. Before this change, the email was case sensitive, which sometimes made the sign in process not very user friendly. The password is case sensitive.
Access tabs
The user information screen now has two additional tabs: "Password Access" and "Project Access". These tabs show, respectively, the passwords and projects that the user has access to:

Restrictions in groups for users with IT role
Before this version, users with IT role could manage any group and assign any group to anyone. This posed a security problem because they could assign themselves to "restricted" groups, thus gaining access to projects and passwords that they were not allowed to.
To remedy this situation we've done the following changes:
- IT users can only manage (edit/delete) groups that they belong to (assigned to them by admins).
- IT users can create groups and they're automatically assigned to them.
- IT users cannot delete themselves from any group.
- IT users can only add/delete other users from groups that they belong to.
Other changes in users
- When editing "My Account" information, the user must enter her password.
- Automatic IP Blocking notifications can now be sent to IT users.
New configuration settings
Some e-mail servers require that the sender is the same as the SMTP user. To make this possible we've added the following checkbox in the SMTP server configuration: "Use the SMTP User as the email sender (otherwise it will use the email of the user).".
If your MySQL server uses a different port than the standard one (3306) you can now define it in config.php with the following directive:
Copy to clipboard button
The "Copy to clipboard" icon used to copy a password to the computer's clipboard is not readable by screenreaders used by visually impaired or blind users. This functionality is provided by a Flash object (built in Haxe) that doesn't have the required accessibility objects.
To make this element accessible we've built another one based on ZeroClipboard that, while still using Flash, it "covers" the Flash object with any HTML element, thus making it readable by screenreaders. Also, instead of using an icon, we've used the text "Copy to Clipboard". The problem with ZeroClipboard is that it still has some problems with some browsers: sometimes you have to click twice to get the value.
So, we now have to "Copy to Clipboard" widgets: the default that is compatible with all the browsers (except for IOS devices) but not readable by screenreaders and the one built with ZeroClipboard that has some compatibility problems but that is accessible. To activate the last one you have to use this directive in config.php:
We wrote about the problem with the copy to clipboard feature on an earlier blog post.
That's all folks. Comments and suggestions are welcome and as always, we'd like to thank everyone who has contributed with suggestions to make Team Password Manager better.
Here you have the Changelog.