activate_user = Activate user add_cf_template = Add custom fields template add_group = Add group add_ip_to_block = Add IP address to block add_license = Add license add_mypassword = Add my password add_password = Add password add_project = Add project add_user = Add user add_user_ldap = Add user (LDAP/AD) add_user_saml = Add user (SAML) add_user_to_group = Add user to group archive_mypassword = Archive my password archive_password = Archive password archive_project = Archive project attach_su_license = Attach Support and Updates license block_ip_automatically = Block IP address automatically blocked_ip_trying_access = Blocked IP trying access bulk_action_begin = Bulk action begin bulk_action_end = Bulk action end calculate_strength_finish = Finish Calculate Strength Process calculate_strength_start = Start Calculate Strength Process calculate_strength_stop = Stop Calculate Strength Process change_editing_policy = Change editing policy change_email_config = Change email configuration change_my_language = Change my language change_my_password = Change my password change_parent = Change parent change_pgen_config = Change password generator configuration change_upr_config = Change user password rules configuration change_user_language = Change user language change_user_password = Change user password check_version = Check latest version cnv_ldap = Convert the user to an LDAP user cnv_normal = Convert the user to a normal (not LDAP) user cnv_normal_saml = Convert the user to a normal (not SAML) user cnv_saml = Convert the user to a SAML user configure_version_checking = Configure version checking copy_mypassword = Copy my password to a project copy_password = Copy password copy_to_clipboard = Copy password to clipboard copy_to_clipboard_external = Copy password to clipboard (external) count_files = Count the number of files count_groups = Count number of groups count_mypasswords_list = Count number of my passwords count_passwords_list = Count number of passwords count_passwords_project = Count the passwords of a project count_projects_list = Count number of projects count_users = Count number of users deactivate_user = Deactivate user decrypted_aue = Decrypt Access, Username, Email (upgrade to 4.50.100) delete_all_my_passwords = Delete all my passwords delete_blocked_ip = Delete Blocked IP Address delete_cf_template = Delete custom fields template delete_data = Delete data (for importing demo content) delete_file = Delete file delete_group = Delete group delete_import_log = Delete import log delete_license = Delete license delete_my_import_log = Delete my import log delete_mypassword = Delete my password delete_password = Delete password delete_password_permanently = Delete password permanently delete_project = Delete project delete_project_permanently = Delete project permanently delete_user = Delete user delete_user_from_group = Delete user from group delperm_mypassword = Permanently delete my password disable_api_access = Disable API access disable_auto_ip_blocking = Disable automatic IP address blocking disable_external_sharing = Disable external sharing disable_ldap_authentication = Disable LDAP authentication disable_lin_pwd_creation = Disable linked passwords creation disable_password_reset = Disable password reset disable_saml_authentication = Disable SAML authentication disable_two_factor_auth = Disable two-factor authentication disable_two_factor_auth_act = Disable two-factor authentication for my account disable_two_factor_auth_usr = Disable two-factor authentication for a user download_file = Download file download_file_error = Download file error download_file_external = Download file (external) edit_api_sec = Edit API Security edit_cf_template = Edit custom fields template edit_cftemplate_new_pwd = Edit custom fields template for new passwords edit_custom_fields = Edit custom fields configuration edit_expiration_configuration = Edit expiration configuration edit_external_sharing = Edit external sharing edit_file_notes = Edit file notes edit_group = Edit group edit_ipba_settings = Edit automatic IP address blocking settings edit_ldap_config = Edit LDAP authentication configuration edit_my_account = Edit my account edit_my_custom_fields = Edit my custom fields edit_mypassword = Edit my password edit_password = Edit password edit_password_locking = Edit password locking edit_password_notes = Edit password notes edit_password_reset_url = Edit password reset URL edit_password_security = Edit password security edit_project = Edit project edit_project_security = Edit project security edit_pwm = Change the manager for new passwords edit_saml_settigns = Edit SAML settings edit_user = Edit user empty_my_trash = Empty My Trash Bin enable_api_access = Enable API access enable_auto_ip_blocking = Enable automatic IP address blocking enable_external_sharing = Enable external sharing enable_ldap_authentication = Enable LDAP authentication enable_lin_pwd_creation = Enable linked passwords creation enable_password_reset = Enable password reset enable_saml_authentication = Enable SAML authentication enable_two_factor_auth = Enable two-factor authentication enable_two_factor_auth_act = Enable two-factor authentication for my account enforce_2fa = Enforce two-factor authentication on all users export = Export export_my_passwords = Export my passwords export_passwords = Export passwords ext_set_preference = Set extension preference extension_connect = Browser Extension connect extension_disconnect = Browser Extension disconnect filter_log = Filter log filter_tree = Filter tree gen_exp_notif = Generate expiration notifications generate_password = Generate password get_my_otp_directly = Get My OTP directly get_otp_directly = Get OTP directly get_version = Get version grant_unlock_request = Grant unlock request import_demo_content_begin = Import demo content begin import_demo_content_end = Import demo content end import_my_passwords = Import my passwords import_passwords = Import passwords import_user_ldap = Add user (LDAP import) installation_successful = Installation successful int_upgrade_successful = Intermediate upgrade successful ldap_authenticate_ko = LDAP authentication failed ldap_authenticate_ok = LDAP authentication successful ldap_search = LDAP search to import users ldap_sync_add_group = Add group (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_add_user = Add user (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_addg_begin = LDAP Sync add/update groups begin ldap_sync_addg_end = LDAP Sync add/update groups end ldap_sync_addu_begin = LDAP Sync add/update users begin ldap_sync_addu_end = LDAP Sync add/update users end ldap_sync_autg = Add user to group (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_del_group = Delete group (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_del_object = Delete LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_del_user = Delete user (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_delg_begin = LDAP Sync delete groups begin ldap_sync_delg_end = LDAP Sync delete groups end ldap_sync_delu_begin = LDAP Sync delete users begin ldap_sync_delu_end = LDAP Sync delete users end ldap_sync_disable = Disable LDAP Sync ldap_sync_disable_object = Disable LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_dufg = Delete user from group (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_edit_object = Edit LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_enable = Enable LDAP Sync ldap_sync_enable_object = Enable LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_error = LDAP Sync error ldap_sync_new_object = New LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_test_object = Test LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_update_group = Update group (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_update_user = Update user (LDAP Sync) ldap_sync_view_object = View LDAP Sync Object ldap_sync_view_objects = View LDAP Sync objects link_password = Link Password list_subprojects = List subprojects login_failed = Login failed login_successful = Login successful logout = Logout move_mypassword = Move my password to a project move_password = Move password mycopy_to_clipboard = Copy my password to clipboard password_reset = Password reset (user) password_shown = Password shown (Show password or Copy password to clipboard) renew_api_keys = Renew API Keys renew_api_keys_api_only_user = Renew API Keys (API only user) restore_mypassword = Restore my password restore_password = Restore password revoke_unlock_request = Revoke unlock request saml_authenticate_ko = SAML authentication failed saml_authenticate_ok = SAML authentication successful saml_logout_ko = SAML logout failed saml_logout_ok = SAML logout successful send_notifications_email = Send notifications by email send_test_email = Send test email send_unlock_request = Send permission to unlock request sent_ipba_notification = Sent automatically blocked IP notification set_api_only_user = Set user as API only set_mypwd_favorite = Set the personal password as favorite set_password_manager = Set password manager set_prj_favorite = Set the project as favorite set_pwd_favorite = Set the password as favorite set_timeout = Set timeout show_mypassword = Show my password show_password = Show password show_password_external = Show password (external) stop_enforce_2fa = Stop enforcing two-factor authentication on all users test_ldap = Test LDAP server connectivity unarchive_mypassword = Un-Archive my password unarchive_password = Un-archive password unarchive_project = Un-archive project unauthorized_api_request = Unauthorized API Request unlink_password = Unlink Password unlock_reason = Unlock password unset_api_only_user = Unset user as API only unset_mypwd_favorite = Set the personal password as not favorite unset_prj_favorite = Set the project as not favorite unset_pwd_favorite = Set the password as not favorite upgrade_successful = Upgrade successful upload_file = Upload file view_advsearch_help = View advanced search help view_eula = View EULA view_export_import_help = View export/import help view_file = View file notes/info view_file_external = View file (external) view_group = View group view_groups = View groups view_help = View help view_history_record = View password history record view_log = View log view_my_account = View my account view_my_export_import_help = View my passwords export/import help view_my_trash_bin = View my trash bin view_mypassword = View my password view_mypasswords_list = View my passwords list view_password = View password data view_password_external = View password (external) view_passwords_list = View passwords list view_project = View project view_project_log = View project log view_projects_list = View projects list view_settings = View settings view_trash_bin = View trash bin view_user = View user view_user_api_keys = View user API keys (API only user) view_user_log = View user log view_users = View users